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 A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection

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3 participants

Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2006

A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Empty
MessageSujet: A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection   A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Icon_minitimeSam 20 Juin - 17:18

Hi everyone,

Ok, I normally try to post on this forum in French, but on this ocassion, felt it best to stick to English, so things would at least come directly from the "mouth of babes."

This is a recent acquisition to the Vlahovici-Jones Collection of ANE Seals - the example is paired by perhaps 30 pieces world wide that are inscribed Neo-Assyrian cylinders.

Certainly of the utmost rarity and highest workmanship of the period.

For your enjoyment - The Khouli Salahi-Hadad Seal: A true masterpiece of Neo-Assyrian engraving!!!

(Please click on the links for images:)

The impression:

Different views of the seal itself:

The Khouli Salahi-Hadad Seal

Amethyst - very light purple streak in the stone.
750-600 B.C.
32 x 15 mm.

ex: Jak Khouli, New York. c. early 1960's (verification from his son, Morris on reverse of Lambert paper)
The piece was then read by Dr. Lambert in Oxford in the early 90's.
Document and verification in his hand.
The Khouli collection then was sold in London— early 90's.
The piece was then acquired by Siamak Aghari, from whom I purchased this.

Follows Category XI in the BM V catalogue.

To the left, a bearded, crowned deity (Marduk) with a mace in one hand and the other hand raised, facing right. Just behind him, a small figure facing left. Before him, a spear of Marduk, adored on the left hand side with a bull's head, on the right with a deer facing left, on hind. Above the spear, the Pleiades are high in the sky. A second deity (Sarpanatum? per BM V, p. 130), without beard, but with a wreath and with hands raised in supplication follows right. Before the second god, several "filler" elements, a deer, facing right, head turned left, a diamond (rhomb) that is outlined, a line with three distinct drill points, a club and to the top of the area, a crescent moon. To the right is a bearded man facing left, with hands raised in supplication. The inscription follows from behind that figure, in 5 cuneiform characters and reads:

Ša Salahi-Hadad
Seal of Salahi-Hadad
(per Mortgaat 595)

Lambert’s read at Oxford:
Property of Salahi Hadad

BM V, 252 (similar type with inscription.) 244, 245, 248, 250-251 (for type without inscription.)
Delaporte, Louvre, Acquisitions, pl. 88, 5-6 (of same type, no inscription),
Moortgat, 595-569 (variation on theme XI, but with inscription)
Delaporte, Musee Guimet, 109 (Similar theme with inscription)
Mit 7 Siegeln vesehen, 1997, pl. 2. (Inscribed example possibly from the same workshop)
Vollenweider, Geneva, pl. 35, seal 75 (for var. of theme without inscription)
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Age : 50
Localisation : Un Liégeois en Bulgarie
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2006

A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection   A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Icon_minitimeMar 23 Juin - 21:48

wonderfull !!!

A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Baniere_animee
A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Abaloneb
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Légendaire Modérateur
Légendaire Modérateur

Age : 86
Localisation : Brasilia
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2007

A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection   A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection Icon_minitimeMar 23 Juin - 22:14

Absolutely extraordinary! Thanks for showing us it. :merci3:

Absolument extraordinaire ! Merci de nous la montrer. :merci2:

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A recent acquisition of the Vlahovici-Jones Collection
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