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 Oh my Lady..

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3 participants
Prince de la jeunesse
Prince de la jeunesse

Age : 35
Localisation : Europe
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2021

Oh my Lady.. Empty
MessageSujet: Oh my Lady..   Oh my Lady.. Icon_minitimeMer 15 Sep - 23:12

Dear Members,
Recently I accidentally bought this Severina. I couldn't find any piece that has been sold in last 10 years. I found it easily at RIC V version 2 - there are few coins in collections. It looks on very, very common and simple type, but in the other hand looks on rare piece with this mintmark and exergue. Have you seen similiar piece?Oh my Lady.. 24174310
Oh my Lady.. 24171910
Oh my Lady.. 24166510

RIC temp #1890
Rome mint
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Prince de la jeunesse
Prince de la jeunesse

Age : 75
Localisation : Clichy-la-Garenne ; Hauts de Seine
Date d'inscription : 31/12/2019

Oh my Lady.. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Oh my Lady..   Oh my Lady.. Icon_minitimeLun 27 Sep - 14:19

I have this one for the first officinaOh my Lady.. Revers13
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Maximianus Herculius
Prefet de l'Vrbs
Prefet de l'Vrbs
Maximianus Herculius

Age : 40
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2014

Oh my Lady.. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Oh my Lady..   Oh my Lady.. Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Sep - 16:11

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Prince de la jeunesse
Prince de la jeunesse

Age : 35
Localisation : Europe
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2021

Oh my Lady.. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Oh my Lady..   Oh my Lady.. Icon_minitimeDim 10 Oct - 20:55

Thank you all. "Maximianus Herculius" - yes, I know Wink I pasted picture with screenshot from Ric mom part 2 (first picture in my first post). So, it's quite rare coin noticed only few times on acution.
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Oh my Lady..
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