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 My new Victorinus PAX AVG without *

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2 participants
Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Empty
MessageSujet: My new Victorinus PAX AVG without *   My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juil - 15:44

Today I bought this little ant.: a Victorinus PAX AVG with V but without * (the Cunetio 2531 - Normanby 1407):
My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Brm_1410

I found 24 ex. of this type, it's a not so common issue, what do you think?
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Prefet de l'Vrbs
Prefet de l'Vrbs

Age : 47
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2015

My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My new Victorinus PAX AVG without *   My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juil - 16:12

The half of the scepter is also missing.
A too thin blank is perhaps the reason.

Victorinus is somewhat chubby and it can influence the reverse when the blank is hit.
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Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My new Victorinus PAX AVG without *   My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juil - 16:24

so your opinion is a technical problem during the hit and not a real absence of the star from the die?

also some pieces from Cunetio have the same aspect (no visible scepter and no star) and they are listed like variant... you can see some pics on the book thesis of Jerome Mairat who report some examples from Cunetio, Normanby and others sources (from 583/1 to 583/14):
My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Victor10
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Prefet de l'Vrbs
Prefet de l'Vrbs

Age : 47
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2015

My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My new Victorinus PAX AVG without *   My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juil - 19:34

It was just an opinion. clin d\'oeil

Thanks for this interesting scan of the Jérôme Mairat thesis !
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Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Empty
MessageSujet: Re: My new Victorinus PAX AVG without *   My new Victorinus PAX AVG without * Icon_minitimeLun 9 Juil - 23:26

Yes... I know, but it's also my doubt! Very Happy
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My new Victorinus PAX AVG without *
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