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 A new (the second!) specimen of Quintillus RIC Va 7 var.

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Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

A new (the second!) specimen of Quintillus RIC Va 7 var. Empty
MessageSujet: A new (the second!) specimen of Quintillus RIC Va 7 var.   A new (the second!) specimen of Quintillus RIC Va 7 var. Icon_minitimeVen 9 Fév - 15:51

Dear Friend,
today I would share with you this new piece of Quintillus RIC Va n. 7 var.:

A new (the second!) specimen of Quintillus RIC Va 7 var. 01_qui10 A new (the second!) specimen of Quintillus RIC Va 7 var. 02_qui10

D\ IMP C M AVR CL QVINTILLVS AVG; Bust right, radiate, cuirassed and draped with paludamentum, seen from rear
R\ AETERNIT AVG –/N//–; Sol stg. l., with r. hand raised and holding globe in l. hand.

Only a specimen known from Komin hoard (see: Z. Barcsay-Amant, The Hoard of Komin. Antoniniani of the 3rd century A. D., Dissertationes Pannonicae. Budapest, 1937) and listed on the RIC online here

Sorry for the quality of the pics, they came from the seller and the coin is not yet in my hands. When it will arrive, I will do better images and I will send its to
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A new (the second!) specimen of Quintillus RIC Va 7 var.
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