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 A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG

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2 participants
Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Empty
MessageSujet: A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG   A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Icon_minitimeLun 5 Fév - 14:17

Dear friends,
I've purchased this little ant of Claudius II:

A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Claudi12
A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Claudi13


The bust looks to me more like an A3 type (Head right, radiate, with traces of drapery to front and rear of truncation) than a B1 type (Bust right, radiate, cuirassed).

An example of A3 bust type:
A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG 548819739?tempRIC=&asmSelect0=&Reign=Claudius+II&asmSelect1=&asmSelect2=&asmSelect3=&asmSelect4=&asmSelect5=&asmSelect6=&asmSelect7=&asmSelect8=&asmSelect9=&asmSelect10=&BustCodeAssoc=A3&asmSelect11=&BustDescription=&ReverseDescription=&Note=&Reference=&page=1&mod=result&hpp=50&from=advanced&ancre=type-data-coin

On I'm not able to find nothig about a VICTORIA AVG with bust A3 type... only this ex.: but it's a quinarius and with a different type o Victory...
anyone have some ideas?
Many thanks!!!
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Genio popvli romani
Genio popvli romani

Age : 50
Localisation : Lugdunensis senonia
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2012

A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG   A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Icon_minitimeLun 5 Fév - 17:05

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Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG   A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG Icon_minitimeLun 5 Fév - 17:10

Yes It's the O2 type, I've made a mistake! The description was correct, "mea culpa"!
Do you think that's right this type of bust for the piece that I've attached?
If yes, I'm not able to find a VICTORIA AVG with this bust in the ric online database...
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A little help with this Claudius II - VICTORIA AVG
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