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 OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus?

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2 participants
Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? Empty
MessageSujet: OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus?   OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? Icon_minitimeLun 10 Juil 2017 - 10:30

I found this antoninianus of Otacilia, but I'm not be able to find it in RIC...

OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? 01_ota10
OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? 02_ota10

The reverse is "PM TRP V COS II PP", may be a hybrid or a not official coin?
I don't know Otacilia as the gallic emperors forum55
Many thanks!
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Age : 48
Localisation : Lille
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2009

OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus?   OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? Icon_minitimeLun 10 Juil 2017 - 16:11

Hello grigioviola

this is an unofficial coin (fouree coin), explaining why it is unlisted in RIC. I don't have my documents with me, but if my memory serves me well, I've seen this reverse die before, associated to a Gordian III obverse

Best regards
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Cos Des II
Cos Des II

Age : 45
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2010

OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus?   OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus? Icon_minitimeLun 10 Juil 2017 - 16:26

Yes, RIC IVc n. 89 4th issue for Gordian III has this obverse and RIC IVc n. 96 list an hybrid Philip I reverse /Gordian III obverse with the legend "PM TRP V COS II PP".
If unofficial I'm very happy to have it in my collection because I'm a collector of barbarous radiates and unofficial III century coins! Yes
Many thanks for your opinion!
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OTACILIA - hybrid antoninianus?
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